Stepping Away From the “Norm”

3 min readJan 17, 2022

As you can see, I went on a year hiatus. But I am not mad at myself for not posting again. In fact, I am proud. 2021 was really stressful. I asked you all, before 2021 arrived, “Where do we go from here?” Well, this post, which happens to be posted on Martin Luther King Jr Day, is just a quick glimpse of the things I learned from my college career, and how some concepts became clearer within the past year.

Like I mentioned, I personally struggled with finishing my undergraduate career in 2021. I didn’t struggle in the sense that I was failing my classes. I had internal struggles was because I realized by staying in that field, and continuing a graduate degree, would not help me achieve the goals I have for myself, and my community.

Almost every “respectable” career you can have in criminal justice is perpetually harming us, as a whole. I could probably write a book, or a separate post, on how your favorite corporations, government officials (local, state, federal), law enforcement, courtroom actors, correctional facility workers, and the media will never have your best interests in mind. (13th by Ava DuVernay on Netflix shows this)

This criminal justice apparatus, goes beyond these entities I mentioned. They’re all proponents of so-called, “White supremacy”. We should actually shift that normalized term to, “White fragility”. Imagine being so insecure about yourself, that you conquer land and claim it as your own, repeatedly. Imagine being so delirious, that you create imaginary “borders” on land that isn’t even yours. Imagine being so delusional that you made everyone think you were a majority, when in fact, you’re a minority.

SIDENOTE: It’s so absurd to me that Mexico and Canada are fully connected to the land, but people can’t travel freely. Also, if you didn’t already know White Americans who are anti-immigration are hypocrites and scared…because their families literally migrated here and took over. And they’re afraid of it happening to them 🤷🏾‍♀️. Seems like WHITE FRAGILITY to me…

Should I keep going? I could, but I think you already get the gist. If you don’t, I’ll recommend some books to read.

At this point, you can catch a glimpse of where my mind is at. It all needs to be shut down. Abolish it all.

To answer some questions regarding my personal life, I’m not in college right now. I graduated 👩🏾‍🎓. Will I go back? I don’t know. I do know that I can be successful without doing so. I don’t need to go in even more debt for superficial validation. Your version of success isn’t mine.

We can be all be free, if we stop allowing ourselves to follow this made-up system. It’s working the way it was designed and it needs to be destroyed.

We aren’t the ones causing climate change. They are. We aren’t the ones causing our underlying conditions that lead to illnesses and death. They do. We aren’t supposed to be in debt. They decided that for us. We aren’t supposed to be incarcerated or die for simply existing. Guess what? They decided that, too.

Who is “they”? Your pick.

“Why is equality so assiduously avoided? Why does White America delude itself, and how does it rationalize the evil it retains?”

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.




Black Deaf Individual | Advocate | Student of Life